(title of educational institution)
(specify the address of permanent residence on the passport)
(name of internal affairs)
(For example: IELTS C1 6.5)
You can make a PDF from several JPEG files here: https://smallpdf.com/ru/jpg-to-pdf
(Full name, year of birth, place of residence, phone number, place of work and position, phone number)
(name and location of the company, position held)
Add a photo in JPEG format (aspect ratio 3x4, file size no more than 6 MB). The recommended size is 600x800 pixels.
Do not add an image with multiple copies of the photo.
Please add a photo that is used for documents. An inappropriate photo will be rejected by the moderator.
Sample photo
Add a PDF file (no more than 32 MB) with a copy of your passport and diploma.